„Wenn man etwas haben will, das man noch nie gehabt hat, so muss man etwas tun, das man noch nie getan hat“. (Peseschkian) * Ja, ums Tun komme ich nicht herum. Doch um ins Tun zu kommen – dafür hilft ein fruchtbarer Boden (und der kann ich selbst für meine Ideen sein, indem ich ihnen… Blog post #25: Wie man Mut kultivieren kann weiterlesen
Schlagwort: courage
Blog post #24: Slave of mind – no more
Statement: My head, my thoughts, my mind, my (lack of) self-esteem is stopping me from doing things. Answers: Yes. No. If the first answer applies: I invite you to enjoy the conversation between Rayya Elias & Elizabeth Gilbert: A while ago I needed to bring something down to paper. Because I confess: my answer is… Blog post #24: Slave of mind – no more weiterlesen
Blog post #12: Is to dare to care?
In blog post #9 I recommended Ken Robinson´s TEDtalk. Not only because what he says is worth listening to but also how he says it. Same goes for Brené Brown in talking about the power of vulnerability in a, to me, entertaining way. To me, what they have in common, is their elaboration on human… Blog post #12: Is to dare to care? weiterlesen