Blog post #30: Die with memories, not with dreams.

Was ist der dreißigste Blog post gegen 10 Jahre AgriKultur Festival? Aber wozu der Vergleich? Fakt ist: Ich bin dieses Jahr Teil des Agrikultur Festivals (denn: together is better 😉 ), mit einer Ausstellung von Verbal Pollination – stories to empower und der Lesung meines frischen Buches Menschen sind wie Apfelkuchen.  Ich bin übrigens “Wiederholungstäterin” (wer mich noch nicht so gut kennt: Ich… Blog post #30: Die with memories, not with dreams. weiterlesen

Blog post #19: The power of the individual – to make a difference together

While on a hike, I came across this pile of stones. It was more to me than what it is set out to be. (No, apparently it was not enough „just“ to be a life saving sign at that moment when I was wandering lost in thought, pondering about meaning of life questions…). It demonstrated… Blog post #19: The power of the individual – to make a difference together weiterlesen

Blog post #14: Gratitude

With this blog post I´d like to give thanks. Here you see the cover of a little booklet I made. Not many pages, but many experiences and reflections behind it. My PhD journey has been one with many ups and downs so far. A learning journey if you want. My research showed the importance of… Blog post #14: Gratitude weiterlesen