I enjoy creating spaces where we can That’s what I did living in Lüneburg. That’s what I have been doing since I left, visiting different places. I believe in the power of questions. With a soft spot for colorful walls and backgrounds, over the years a(nother) photo series evolved, „portraying“ my hand. Hands, to me,… Blog post #35: Laugh. Learn. Connect. An interactive traveling exhibition. weiterlesen
Kategorie: collaboration
Blog post #34: Time for …
In my last blog post I wrote „I‘m a foodie and a gardener“. I definitely had delicious times. Thankfully, I‘m still blessed in culinary terms. What I strongly notice though, while collecting gardening experiences here and there: I‘m longing for my own garden. I want, what I have been dreaming of for years now, to… Blog post #34: Time for … weiterlesen
Blog post #30: Die with memories, not with dreams.
Was ist der dreißigste Blog post gegen 10 Jahre AgriKultur Festival? Aber wozu der Vergleich? Fakt ist: Ich bin dieses Jahr Teil des Agrikultur Festivals (denn: together is better 😉 ), mit einer Ausstellung von Verbal Pollination – stories to empower und der Lesung meines frischen Buches Menschen sind wie Apfelkuchen. Ich bin übrigens “Wiederholungstäterin” (wer mich noch nicht so gut kennt: Ich… Blog post #30: Die with memories, not with dreams. weiterlesen
Blog post #29: Eine Vision. Unterschiedliche Heransgehensweisen. #Finding UNITY in DIVERSITY.
Wie bzw. wo fange ich an? Mit diesem Text – und mit der Klimakrise. Dystopische Szenarien sind nicht meine ART. Ich halte mich lieber an das Schöne und versuche dies in mir und der Welt zu kultivieren. Was nicht heißt, dass ich mich von den Problemen der Welt abwende oder sie verleugne. Ich weiß nur… Blog post #29: Eine Vision. Unterschiedliche Heransgehensweisen. #Finding UNITY in DIVERSITY. weiterlesen
Blog post #27: On leadership and collaboration – Lessons from a biodynamic community-supported farm
For my Master thesis, I had the chance to work on a biodynamic community-supported farm in Patagonia.* It was an educational time and much more could have been shared than found space in my thesis “Farming for Food? – Local ways to enhance global food supply and beyond.” I inquired what challenges and opportunities are… Blog post #27: On leadership and collaboration – Lessons from a biodynamic community-supported farm weiterlesen
Blog post #23: Lessons from the wind
(Written Wednesday January 15 2020) Coming home from a forest run. Fresh air. Dawn. Birds. River. Beautiful leaf-less trees. A delightful solo-reflection time. Making a break at the bridge crossing the river. I had headwind all along, running upstream. It´s not the first time I have experienced headwind. But looking how the river flows, how… Blog post #23: Lessons from the wind weiterlesen
Blog post #21: Wie möchtest du 2020 in Erinnerung behalten?
Wie möchtest du 2020 in Erinnerung behalten? – Eine Frage, welche ich seit meinem Balkon-zu-Balkon-Gespräch heute morgen nicht mehr aus dem Kopf bekomme. Obwohl Matthias Horx` Regnose aufmunternd, die Vergleiche im Essay von Bernd Ulrich Apokalypse, not now treffend, und der Vlog von Christian Felber kritisch animierend waren, weil es bei allen (auch) darum geht,… Blog post #21: Wie möchtest du 2020 in Erinnerung behalten? weiterlesen
Blog post #19: The power of the individual – to make a difference together
While on a hike, I came across this pile of stones. It was more to me than what it is set out to be. (No, apparently it was not enough „just“ to be a life saving sign at that moment when I was wandering lost in thought, pondering about meaning of life questions…). It demonstrated… Blog post #19: The power of the individual – to make a difference together weiterlesen
Blog post #13: How to predict the future?
My colleagues and I are facilitating a seminar at Leuphana University of Lüneburg this fall semester – in the famous Leuphana Semester, where students no matter which undergradute study program and major they are going to study, embark on their very first research project together. The motto could be collaboration before disciplinary education. The title… Blog post #13: How to predict the future? weiterlesen
Blog post #5: Another one of „us“
Marga and I have quite a lot in common. Just that she is bringing her energy to fruition in Vancouver/Canada. She aims to co-create spaces that promote sustainable well-being and one of her aspirations is to transcend silos. She writes „solving today’s complex and wicked problems requires collaboration. I am passionate about connecting people to… Blog post #5: Another one of „us“ weiterlesen