Blog post #17: Transformations – for change

A new decade has just started. The one leading towards 2030. There will be a lot to do. But where to start? High time to spread Thomas Macintyre´s PhD thesis The Transgressive Gardener, presented by Arjen Wals as “one of the most original one’s” he has been involved in. Maybe you´ll find some answers there?… Blog post #17: Transformations – for change weiterlesen

Blog post #16: “Unseen need”: Spaces for reflection [Kitchen Table Conversations, Part I]

Below some thoughts I needed to get out of my head after a spontaneous kitchen table conversation with my housemate towards the end of last year. – Coming home from a quite long day in the office. Dealing with data analysis right now. Again. Figuring out how we learn. How key competencies in sustainability were… Blog post #16: “Unseen need”: Spaces for reflection [Kitchen Table Conversations, Part I] weiterlesen

Blog post #15: The power – or the gift – of embarrassment

Embarrassing! Embarrassing! Embarrassing! It happened! To me! The well-organized, forward-thinking, yes, also in some regards, perfectionist. Stupid me. Deppert (in Austrian terms). Some unfinished blog posts went online – spamming potentially your Email account with unreadable, incomprehensive memory hooks to myself. Well. Not at all intended. Not that I have thousands of followers – but… Blog post #15: The power – or the gift – of embarrassment weiterlesen

Blog post #14: Gratitude

With this blog post I´d like to give thanks. Here you see the cover of a little booklet I made. Not many pages, but many experiences and reflections behind it. My PhD journey has been one with many ups and downs so far. A learning journey if you want. My research showed the importance of… Blog post #14: Gratitude weiterlesen

Blog post #13: How to predict the future?

My colleagues and I are facilitating a seminar at Leuphana University of Lüneburg this fall semester – in the famous Leuphana Semester, where students no matter which undergradute study program and major they are going to study, embark on their very first research project together. The motto could be collaboration before disciplinary education. The title… Blog post #13: How to predict the future? weiterlesen

Blog post #12: Is to dare to care?

In blog post #9 I recommended Ken Robinson´s TEDtalk. Not only because what he says is worth listening to but also how he says it. Same goes for Brené Brown in talking about the power of vulnerability in a, to me, entertaining way. To me, what they have in common, is their elaboration on human… Blog post #12: Is to dare to care? weiterlesen

Blog post #11: What are you waiting for?

There is plenty of research done that could wake us up. There are plenty of reasons calling us to action. If we only believed that each one of us mattered and makes a difference. So much can be done right here right now. As Alixa and Naima said: „Why would a flower hesitate to open?“… Blog post #11: What are you waiting for? weiterlesen

Blog post #10: The power of thoughts

Last week I wrote about the power of community. Mosaique, self-described as “a house in central Lüneburg, a movement and a vision for a peaceful world” for me is a physical space where community building is fostered. They offer all different kinds of activities, projects and events, bringing people across ages, origins and backgrounds together.… Blog post #10: The power of thoughts weiterlesen

Blog post #9: The power of community

In Lüneburg I had the chance to live for the first time in something one can call a community. People around shared and/or similar values gathered in a space. In this case to live consciously together. The location was a house. The space of community, however, is interpersonal. It´s a sense of belonging. It´s a… Blog post #9: The power of community weiterlesen